Everything To Know About Famous Conjoined Twins Abby And Brittany Hensel

Published on June 5, 2018


We all know twins that hate sharing things. Well, we can guarantee you that Abby and Brittany don’t lose out on their birthday cake just because they share a birthday. Each year, the twins get two cakes! Come on, they are individuals…plus, maybe one wanted vanilla while the other wanted chocolate. Actually, that looks to be the case for this birthday!



Separate Systems

Maybe you have wondered about what happens when they get sick. Does Abby always get sick when Brittany does and vice versa? Turns out, the two do NOT always get sick together. Now remember, they each have a separate body system. So, Brittany got pneumonia twice while Abby never had it. Lucky for Abby!

Separate Systems

Separate Systems