Everything To Know About Famous Conjoined Twins Abby And Brittany Hensel

Published on June 5, 2018

Hopes Of Families

Surely, you have thought about the possibility of romance. Abby and Brittany do hope to find love one day and even get married and have kids. Yes, they know that having a conjoined body like theirs makes for one big obstacle, but they have faith they will find the perfect two men.

Hopes Of Families

Hopes Of Families

Photo Ops

Perhaps, you believed that Abby and Brittany Hensel loved being photographed and taped because they were on TLC. However, they are not really delighted to always be caught on camera. One of their biggest pet peeves is when strangers stare and take pictures. Well, they do not mind if fans ask for pictures, but they hate when people snap pics without permission. The two just want a simple request, so can you really blame them?

Photo Ops

Photo Ops