The Most Beautiful Abandoned Places In The World

Published on February 12, 2019

Abandoned Bug In Lagoon Beach

A completely abandoned VW Bug  is seen parked along the coast of Lagoon Beach in Milnerton, South Africa. It’s unclear as to why it was parked and left behind in this exact spot, but it clearly has been standing there for a long time, as is apparent from it’s peeling paint job and missing tires.

Abandoned Bug In Lagoon Beach

Abandoned Bug In Lagoon Beach

Abandoned Victorian House In San Francisco

This little yellow Victorian house sits wedged between two modern buildings that seem to tower over it. Found in San Francisco, the house is decorated in the classic styles that are characteristic of the Victorian style. Despite being abandoned, it has maintained the features that make it beautiful, such as the staircase leading to the house and the carvings decorating the windows.

Abandoned Victorian House In San Francisco

Abandoned Victorian House In San Francisco