The Best Western Movies Ever Made That Shaped An Entire Industry

Published on October 29, 2020

The Outlaw – a Beauty on a Haystack

It was 1943 when Jane Russell gave a new, more glam spark to westerns movies. An iconic picture of the actress on a haystack was very controversial for those times. The Outlaw actually brought $5 million box office, with a budget of $3.4 million.

The Outlaw A Beauty On A Haystack

The Outlaw

A Big Win For Westerns

The Outlaw‘s success proved that Westerns could be a big Hollywood production. This was only one of the movies that was able to do this. The movie also marked a shift in the reception of promiscuity in Hollywood films and Westerns alike, as Jane Russell became a sex symbol after the film’s release.

The Outlaw A Beauty On A Haystack

Westerns Could be Big Hollywood Productions