What’s Up Doc? Everything You Didn’t Know About Bugs Bunny

Published on May 12, 2022

Influential Name Change

Did you know that the show actually changed the meaning of the name “Nimrod?” You might know the word as meaning “stupid”, but before the show’s popularity, the name was known for its Biblical roots and the figure of Nimrod, who was a might hunter. Bugs would sarcastically call Elmer Fudd by the name, and so the association stuck. That’s how influential this show was!

Influential Name Change

Influential Name Change

Saved Him From A Coma

Mel Blanc was the first to be the voice behind Bugs Bunny, giving him his signature fast-paced, Brooklyn accented voice. Blanc was in a car accident in 1961 that left him in a coma. Four weeks into his surgery, a surgeon jokingly asked “Bugs! Bugs Bunny! How are you doing today?” and to his shock, Blanc actually replied “Eee, what’s up Doc?” He continued working even while in the hospital.

Saved Him From A Coma

Saved Him From A Coma