What’s Up Doc? Everything You Didn’t Know About Bugs Bunny

Published on May 12, 2022

She Didn’t Initially Like Him

At first, Olive Oyl was with Harold Hamgravy, and their adventures were chronicles in Thimble Theater. When Popeye took off, Olive Oil was introduced to his world. However, she didn’t immediately like him, in fact the first thing she said to him was: “Take your hooks offa me or I’ll lay ya in a scupper.”

She Didn't Initially Like Him

She Didn’t Initially Like Him

The Jeep Name

The Jeep was Popeye’s pet that first appeared in the comic strip in 1936, and was known for his magical ability to travel to anywhere he wanted to. There’s a theory that American soldiers loved their off road vehicles so much that they affectionately called them “Jeep.” This could be the source of the name of the popular car.

The Jeep Name

The Jeep Name