Facts and Secrets of the Carol Burnett Show

Published on February 13, 2019

Not Taking Rejection Personally

Burnett was wise enough at an early stage to know rejection is a part of the industry. She believed entertainers needed a fire in their belly to handle someone saying no to them. Burnett was overlooked for another actress at an audition in New York, but she always felt that her time would come.

Not Taking Rejection Personally

Not Taking Rejection Personally

Chosen For Looks

Having talent is important, but on TV that’s not always enough. Carol’s producer husband was looking for an attractive male to cast in the show, and he knew he’d found his man in Lyle Waggoner. Part of Waggoner’s role was to be dashing, but thankfully he wasn’t afraid of making fun of his looks.

Chosen For Looks

Chosen For Looks