Two Men’s Lives Change When One Offers to Carry the Groceries

Published on January 4, 2022

What Chauncy Had to Say

Overall, Chauncy loved the attention he got. In interviews, he said that his life was completely changed, and now he couldn’t go anywhere without someone recognizing him. It was all awesome, and he was grateful for everything he got, thanking Matt for making it all happen.

What Chauncy Had To Say

What Chauncy Had To Say

Fame Isn’t Always Good

The fame the family got came with a few negatives. Chauncy and his mom realized that they must be careful. Now, their family and friends knew about the money, frequently asking for help, so they requested assistance to manage it. Still, that didn’t take away from the opportunity they were provided with!

Fame Isn't Always Good

Fame Isn’t Always Good