Celebrities Share Inspiring Stories About Their Health Struggles

Published on July 22, 2020

Michelle Williams

Singer Michelle Williams opened up to her fans on social media and shared her battle with depression. She posted on her Instagram that she was seeking treatment professional care in order to help with her struggles with her mental health.

Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams

Williams chose to post this on Mental Health Awareness Day, and was proudly advocating that anyone else who felt this way should pursue help. Her openness about getting help from medical professionals is a wonderful way to help de-stigmatize mental health issues.

Magic Johnson

Magic Johnson, retired NBA legend, has been living with HIV for more than 25 years. Throughout the years, the Los Angeles Dodgers owner has learned to live a full life despite his disease. After announcing his diagnosis, he started the Magic Johnson Foundation.

Magic Johnson

Magic Johnson

He opened up about life with HIV: “I’ve done the things I was supposed to do. “And if you do that, you can live for a long time, and that’s why early detection is the key.”