Celebrities Share Inspiring Stories About Their Health Struggles

Published on July 22, 2020

Julianne Hough

Actress and dancer Julianne Hough was only 20 years old when she was diagnosed with endometriosis. She experienced intense cramping that landed her in the emergency room, though she had been experiencing cramps since she was 15 years old.

Julianne Hough

Julianne Hough

She says that the disorder “can be really frustrating” but her husband has been extremely supportive. Despite this, Hough said that her “body is very precious to me, I didn’t think of it that way before. If I don’t feel like working out that day, then I don’t do it. If I want to sleep in, then I will.”

Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell opened up in a video she recorded for the Child Mind Institute’s #MyYoungerSelf campaign, in which she shared that since she was 18 years old, she has been struggling with anxiety and depression. She shared some advice to people who are also suffering.

Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell

She said: “Don’t be by this game of perfection that humans play. They strive for a certain aesthetic, and everything looks so beautiful and people don’t seem like they have any problems. Everyone’s human. Everyone has problems. Everyone feels yucky on the inside sometimes.”