Thinking About Renovating Your Home? You Might Want To Have A Look At These Renovation Fails First

Published on January 13, 2022

A Room Without A View

One wonders what kind of neighborhood this picture was taken in. It would definitely be a shame if it is from an especially scenic or picturesque place, as from this window (if you can call it that), only a sliver would be able to be seen, thanks to the rather baffling decision to fill the window frame with bricks, instead of letting it be, well, a window. Maybe the homeowners were especially fond of bricks, and would prefer to see those than the outside world?

Not Much Of A View

Not Much Of A View

Just Don’t Look Too Hard

This picture seems to suggest that the roof or house has been extended, with the roof being too large for the part of the house that it’s covered. If one doesn’t look too hard, it might not be too noticeable, and actually looks a bit like a hat for the extended part of the building, so it’s kind of cute or charming in a way. Hopefully whoever paid for this wasn’t charged more for the surface area not actually covered by the roof!

An Oversized Roof

An Oversized Roof