Thinking About Renovating Your Home? You Might Want To Have A Look At These Renovation Fails First

Published on January 13, 2022

A Great Example of Alternative Toilets

Most toilets tend to be placed in the bathroom in such a way that they are, you know, straight, parallel to the walls, etc. Why do that, when you could instead place your toilet at a weird angle? It’s hard to know if the owner of this bathroom had the toilet installed this way on purpose, or if it was an accident, or perhaps necessary due to the layout of the building. Maybe there was some other reason for it, but it certainly looks interesting.

A Bit Of An Odd Angle For This Toilet

A Bit Of An Odd Angle For This Toilet

Think Of The Possibilities!

Why have an island as part of your kitchen counter, when it could stand all by itself! In all seriousness, maybe this island was placed in the middle of the kitchen in order to fill out the space a bit, or maybe it was an accident? Anyway, this lonely island could have a range of roles all to itself- maybe it could be used just for cutting fruit, or maybe it could be used to display the family’s favorite vase.

Just An Island, All On Its Own

Just An Island, All On Its Own