Thinking About Renovating Your Home? You Might Want To Have A Look At These Renovation Fails First

Published on January 13, 2022

Is This A Kitchen Or A Bathroom?

It’s actually quite hard to decide whether or not the room in the picture below is a kitchen or a bathroom. It may actually be a true hybrid between the two, and it also seems to have something of a dining area attached as well. This was likely done in a really small apartment to save space, but it seems like it could be a slightly uncomfortable way to live, especially long-term.

Clean Your Dishes While You Wash Your Hair

Clean Your Dishes While You Wash Your Hair

Hopefully, Nobody Needs That Oven Mitt

Once again, a poor lonely drawer has had a room reverse-engineered around it, and seemingly can’t be used anymore. Perhaps it can be opened if the oven itself is also open? That seems a little dangerous, but there is an oven mitt in there, so maybe the owners of the home have figured out a way to make the most of their space and still use this drawer every now and then.

Another Drawer That Can't Be Used

Another Drawer That Can’t Be Used