Thinking About Renovating Your Home? You Might Want To Have A Look At These Renovation Fails First

Published on January 13, 2022

Two Cupboards, One Door

At first glance, this doesn’t seem like a very unusual setup, until you notice that there are actually two cupboards or storage spaces here that share a door, for some reason. Maybe there was a door shortage, when this home was being renovated? How hard can it be to get another door for a building? This doesn’t seem like a very good place to store something private, or something you need to keep hidden…

Couldn't They Get Another Door

Couldn’t They Get Another Door

This Is Pretty Concerning!

That set of swords looks pretty cool! Maybe it’s an old heirloom, belonging to the family that owns the home, or maybe someone in the family is some type of weapons enthusiast. What isn’t so cool, however, is the way that it’s been placed right over a cot! It’s probably secure, but it seems a little risky to leave some weapons like that hanging right over a cot or a bed.

Please Think Of The Children

Please Think Of The Children