Thinking About Renovating Your Home? You Might Want To Have A Look At These Renovation Fails First

Published on January 13, 2022

The Stairway To Nowhere

The design job shown in this picture has been quite beautifully performed- the wood has a nice, rich, color, and the doors are painted a sleek and clean white color. Unfortunately, those doors might be pretty hard to reach when the stairway doesn’t actually lead to them, instead going around them in a rather baffling manner. Presumably (or hopefully) both doors can be reached from other parts of the house, but at least it all looks nice!

A Bit Of A Puzzle

A Bit Of A Puzzle

Please Don’t Look In Here!

This is seems like quite a nice house in a nice area. It’s a shame that there’s just one problem… once again, the window has been inexplicably bricked up, so nobody can look in or out! It could be that the owners of this house have an intense need for privacy, or maybe they are brick enthusiasts. In any case, it’s pretty odd to see the window bricked over like this, especially when it’s clearly been done from the inside.

Seems Like A Nice Neighbourhood, If One Can See It

Seems Like A Nice Neighborhood, If One Can See It