The Intended Use For These Everyday Items You Never Thought Of

Published on July 14, 2020

A Secret Use For Advil

Everyone deals with acne at one point or another in life. While the traditional medicines and creams can start costing quite a bit of money, there are some other options you can try out that may not cost as much or require a prescription.

A Secret Use For Advil

A Secret Use For Advil

You can try piercing a liquid Advil pill with a sterilized pin and use it to extract some of the gel inside the capsule. The liquid Advil can work wonders for drying up a stubborn blemish, just make sure you clean the pin and your face first.

A Tiny Pocket

Jeans are probably the most common item of clothing we all own. It shouldn’t be surprising or news to anyone that often, jeans pockets will feature a tiny, seemingly useless pocket inside the larger side pockets of the jeans.

A Tiny Pocket

A Tiny Pocket

If you’ve ever wondered why this tiny pocket is there, we need to travel back a bit in time. It was intended for keeping a pocket watch, which used to be commonly carried around, particularly in the 1850s when laborers wore jeans on the job.