The Intended Use For These Everyday Items You Never Thought Of

Published on July 14, 2020

The Bottle Neck

At this point, we have all been drinking beverages from bottles that we rarely stop to think about the bottle’s design. But why is it that it is shaped the way it is at all, with an elongated bottle neck?

The Bottle Neck

The Bottle Neck

The reason is that you’re actually meant to hold the bottle by the neck in order to prevent your hand’s warmth from warming up your cool and refreshing drink. Try holding it this way next time you’re drinking out of a bottle!

Staple Temporarily

The stapler is a very useful tool, but sometimes you may want to adhere papers together only temporarily. While you can always staple them together and use a tool to undo it later, the stapler itself has some useful functionality to help out.

Staple Temporarily

Staple Temporarily

The metal plate in the front of the stapler (called the anvil) adjusts to different settings. You can turn your stapler upside down and spin it around to these varying settings. There’s one for temporary stapling, which will make the staple’s arms turn outwards so it is easy to undo later.