The Intended Use For These Everyday Items You Never Thought Of

Published on July 14, 2020

Under Oven Drawer

You know that little drawer under the oven, that you most likely use for extra storage space? How many of us know the actual intended use of this drawer, however? We’re willing to bet that most people don’t know what it’s really for.

Under Oven Drawer

Under Oven Drawer

Interestingly enough, this is actually intended to be used as a warming drawer that helps keep your food warm until you are ready to serve it without cooking it additionally. So in reality, it’s actually probably not a great idea to use it as storage…

Microphone Covers

If you’ve ever worked a job that required speaking into a headset or you are around microphones often, you’re probably familiar with the little piece of felt that usually covers up the microphone. It’s not decorative but actually serves a very important use.

Microphone Covers

Microphone Covers

This piece of foam ensures better quality sound by preventing unwanted noises from being picked up by the microphone. The foam restricts airflow, which in turn helps avoid loud sounds or breathing noises from interfering with the intended sound.