The Intended Use For These Everyday Items You Never Thought Of

Published on July 14, 2020

The Perfect Seal

How many times have you purchased a drink in a bottle and then peeled of the soft, plastic disc (that’s often a light blue color) off the inside of the cap? We know we’ve spent way too much time doing so.

The Perfect Seal

The Perfect Seal

So what is that disc actually for? Well, the small disc plays an important role in keeping your drink fresh and carbonated. It acts as a seal in order to keep the fizzy gas in the bottle instead of leaking out, rendering the drink flat.

The Margin Purpose

You’ve probably gone your whole life thinking that margins were included on pages simply to guide you in how much you are writing on each page. While this is definitely one use, the original purpose is quite different than what you might think.

The Margin Purpose

The Margin Purpose

Originally, manufacturers included margins in order to try to protect people’s writing from rats chewing on the pages. Rats were once more commonly roaming around people’s homes, and they’d frequently nibble on paper. With margins, there was some buffer that allowed for some chewing along the page edges without losing any work.