Facts That Even The Biggest Steve Martin Fans Don’t Know About Him

Published on August 2, 2021

No More Standup

According to his autobiography, Martin shares that he spent 18 years doing standup comedy, saying: “Ten of those years were spent learning. four years were spent refining, and four years were spent in wild success.”By 1981, he felt that he had accomplished everything he could with standup and he decided to pivot to other projects like acting and writing.

No More Standup

No More Standup

He Worked At Disneyland

From the ages of 10 to 18, Martin worked at Disneyland, which he has said was an incredible experience. He would work on weekends, after school, and during summer vacations. He worked both at the magic shop and at the front gates. He said he also witnessed his first comedic performance at Disney, which inspired him to pursue his own comedy career. He shared: “I watched Wally’s show many, many times. He was the first live performer I ever saw. I mostly remember Wally’s [Wally Boag] performing style. It was fresh, sassy, and very clean. Watching his comic timing was a very big influence on my own career.”

He Worked At Disneyland

He Worked At Disneyland