Flight Attendants Have Finally Revealed Best Kept Secrets

Published on May 13, 2018

How do I get bumped up to first class without a ticket? Why do flight attendants hate it when I order Diet Coke? There are many flight secrets that we simply don’t know about, but flight attendants have just revealed some of the best kept ones. You might be one of those people they notice right as you step onto the plane, but is that a good thing or not?

Mobile Devices

You had better turn off your mobile phone, especially if you don’t want the plane to crash! Alright let’s lay that notion to bed because it isn’t actually true. While having your electronic device active while taking off can be irritating to the air traffic control tower, it’s actually more of a danger if it flew through the air and smashed someone in the head.

Mobile Devices

Mobile Devices

Secrets Of Upgrades

Who would say no an upgrade, right? Well, flight attendants sure will if you don’t fit the criteria. But there are some who will get preferential treatment to get bumped up to first or business – let’s say a pregnant woman, a well-dressed flyer who also happens to be attractive and polite, and of course anyone who is a friend of the cabin crew. But don’t imagine that coming dressed as James Bond is going to cut it, they simply might not have anything available.

Secrets Of Upgrades

Secrets Of Upgrades