Flight Attendants Have Finally Revealed Best Kept Secrets

Published on May 13, 2018

Dim Lights

Why do they dim the lights in the airplane before take-off? According to flight attendants, take-off and landing are the most dangerous times of the flight so in the case of an emergency (at night) your eyes will have adjusted to the darkness and you’ll be able to see better. But if you ask me, I think they’re just trying to make the atmosphere a little more romantic.

Dim Lights

Dim Lights

Is The Air Safe?

Is the air on the airplane plain air? Many of us worry about the germs floating around the airplane as we’re enclosed in a small space with other people who have some serious sneezing going on. But the fact is that the air on a plane is actually pretty much like any other air you’d find in an office. As for the dude who won’t stop coughing behind you, try to avoid any handshakes.

Is The Air Safe@

Is The Air Safe?