The Greatest US Presidents Ranked

Published on November 25, 2018

John Quincy Adams

John Quincy Adams was number 6 on the list of United States presidents. He was a tough character who stood firmly against slavery. All through his days as president, he fought for equal rights for every American. Also, he played a very important part in annexation of Texas.

John Quincy Adams

John Quincy Adams

George H. W. Bush

George H. W. Bush senior was the father of George W. Bush who would later go on to rule the country. He was president for one term (1989 – 1993). George had great leadership skills and was also good at international relations. His tenure was marked by lots of symbolic events like end of cold war and fall of Berlin Wall. Some of his landmark acts are the Clean Air Act, North American Free Trade Agreement between Mexico, Canada and US as well as Americans with Disabilities Act.

George H. W. Bush

George H. W. Bush