The Greatest US Presidents Ranked

Published on November 25, 2018

Calvin Coolidge

Calvin Coolidge will be remembered as a president who struggled to ensure that scandals and corrupt practices were not seen or heard of in public offices. He was a major advocate of a foreign policy based on laissez-faire. He also fought for racial equality and civil rights during his tenure as president. The Indian Citizenship Act was passed during his days in office which game citizenship to Native Americans.

Calvin Coolidge

Calvin Coolidge

Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter is the country’s 39th president. His involvement in politics can be traced to the passion which he had for civil rights movements. During his time, Department of Energy and Department of Education were established. Some of the international crises which he faced during his tenure were Iran Hostage Crisis and 1979 Energy Crisis. He became popular when he brokered peace between presidents of Egypt (Anwar Saddat) and Israel (Menachem Begin).

Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter