When People Who Park Badly Get What’s Coming to Them

Published on July 16, 2020

A Team Effort

This solution to a bad parking job was obviously a team effort. We can see from above that the white SUV in the middle of the circle of cars is not only taking up two spaces but actually three!  Something had to be done.

Team Efforts

Team Efforts

Because this white SUV is taking up so much room, and even though it is a pretty empty parking lot, these people in the other cars want to make a point. There is nowhere for the white SUV to go unless one of these other cars leave.

Trashing a Car

This photo gives new meaning to the term “trashing a car.” This car was also parked in the wrong place, and someone made sure to give the driver a lesson in manners. The difference here, however, is that they used trash!

A Trashed Car

A Trashed Car

Luckily, whoever did this to the offending vehicle didn’t have to look far for supplies. This car was parked right next to the garbage dump. This is probably why it was parked illegally and got trashed in the first place.