When People Who Park Badly Get What’s Coming to Them

Published on July 16, 2020

A Note, A Note, and A Note

We have seen a number of notes left on vehicles so far, but this really takes the cake. Here, as you can see, someone has taken the time to totally coat this illegally parked vehicle in sticky notes. Wonder how long this took?

Filled With Sticky Notes

Filled With Sticky Notes

This is a pretty funny prank when all things are considered. Some of these people have done things to damage the cars that are parked illegally, but in this case, the person or people who placed these notes were just making a point.

Speaking of Stickers…

Speaking of stickers, this car is also covered in them. Except in this case, instead of sticky notes, this person or people used actual stickers. We can certainly tell that the car was parked illegally, but we can’t totally see what these stickers say.

Sticker Attack

Sticker Attack

It certainly took a long time for whoever did this to complete the task. We can’t even begin to guess how many stickers are on this car, but if they are like bumper stickers, they are probably going to be pretty difficult to remove.