When People Who Park Badly Get What’s Coming to Them

Published on July 16, 2020

Another Box Job

This is one of the cool boxing in jobs that we have seen a few times already. We have to say, this is one of our favorite ways to make a point about bad parkers. It is creative, and it definitely gets the point across.

Boxed In

Boxed In

We wish we were there to see the face of the driver of the middle car. They will certainly be surprised by the cars that have now surrounded it. The big car might have been there when they parked, but we guess the others were not.

Bad Parking Consequences

Most of the bad parking jobs we have seen have been blocking two spots, but this travesty is showing not two, not three, not four…but a whopping five parking spots!  Who does this person think they are?

Stuck In Place

Stuck In Place

Thankfully, the law has stepped in to teach this driver a lesson. If anyone on this list deserves to have their wheels locked up and be ticketed, it’s this person! Hopefully, they learned something valuable from this incident.