When People Who Park Badly Get What’s Coming to Them

Published on July 16, 2020

A Masterpiece?

Art is something that is interpreted by each individual person, and we would bet that the person who made this work of art is pretty proud of their accomplishments. We will say that the color scheme is certainly working.

Mobile Canvas

Mobile Canvas

We have to also say that the precision in this work, including the straight yellow lines, is a delight to the eye. We also appreciate the splash of blue on the front, and the artist really captured their sense of anger on the rear.

Car Tipping?

We have definitely heard of cow tipping, but car tipping? Well, if you are not parked in the right space, there might be something to this. As you can see, this car was parked over the line, taking up two parking spots, and someone didn’t like it.

Toppled Over

Toppled Over

Someone…or more likely several someones…has pushed this car over the line. We can’t even imagine how heavy this car is. Even though it is small, it still must be quite heavy. But, that didn’t stop this person, and now the car is between the lines.