Canine Psychologists Were Surprised When They Ranked The World’s Smartest Dog Breeds

Published on February 28, 2019

German Shorthaired Pointer

It seems as though there is nothing a German shorthaired pointer can’t do. That’s right; this breed is a perfect all-rounder that has become a staple part of the hunting field. However, German shorthaired pointers are also excellent family dogs thanks to their affectionate personalities and love of being around children.

German Shorthaired Pointer

German Shorthaired Pointer

Alaskan Husky

There is a reason this breed is so often used in sled racing: Alaskan huskies are intelligent, strong, and have incredible endurance. The breed is quick to learn new commands and adapt to the environment, as well as knowing how to work as a team with the rest of their pack.

Alaskan Husky

Alaskan Husky