Teenagers Realize Something Is Not Right As They Follow A Girl And Her Supposed Dad

Published on October 7, 2019

Who Were These Guys?

As it turns out, the kidnappers were actually just two young men; William Dainard and Harmon Waley, as well as one of their wives. They had actually met originally in prison at the Idaho State Penitentiary. They were ultimately sentenced to 135 years in prison collectively, and George managed to overcome the trauma of this terrible experience to eventually become the chairman of the board at his family’s lumber company.

Who Were These Guys?

Who Were These Guys?

A Harsh Reality

The unfortunate and brutal reality is that these types of situations are all too common in the United States. Sadly, the data just from 2018 indicates that 734,630 people have reported attempted, threats, or completed acts of sexual assault against them in the United States. On average, every 73 seconds, someone in the U.S. is a victim of this type of assault.

A Harsh Reality

A Harsh Reality