These Vintage Ads Would Never Be Allowed To Run Today

Published on December 28, 2022

Toothache Drops (1885)

If you can believe it, in 1885, cocaine was not just perfectly legal, it was recommended and marketed as a toothache aid in the form of drops that cost just 15 cents. There are even kids featured in the advertisement for these cocaine drops. Now we know that it’s not the best idea after all.

Toothache Drops 1885

Toothache Drops 1885

Camel (1940s)

Back in the 1940’s, not only were cigarette ads super common, but they were actually able to make claims like “more doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette,” which would absolutely not be the right move today. In fact, any doctor that promotes smoking today would certainly be removed from their position.

Camel 1940s

Camel 1940s