These Vintage Ads Would Never Be Allowed To Run Today

Published on December 28, 2022

General Electric (1980s)

As time goes on, technological advances will only continue. This GE ad told the public about something that was groundbreaking at the time: a clock radio that’s also an alarm clock, featuring a brand new feature, the “snooze” button. Nowadays, most of us don’t have a clock or a radio, but a smartphone that’s both and much, much more.

General Electric 1980s

General Electric 1980s

Best Buy (1999)

Anyone who was around in the 1990’s knows that the Year 2000 problem, or Y2k, was a massive phenomenon. It all started with the fear that computer errors resulting from format changes after the new millennium would cause global damage, leading to a huge panic. In reality, nothing happened when 1999 turned in 2000, but as we see in this Best Buy ad, there were still plenty of warnings that have now become time capsule artifacts.

Best Buy 1999

Best Buy 1999