These Vintage Ads Would Never Be Allowed To Run Today

Published on December 28, 2022

Airflow Company (1980s)

This ad for an air conditioning company is funny, but would likely not go over well today. With plenty of cases of inappropriate workplace behaviors, we wouldn’t really want to encourage anyone wearing revealing bathing suits like this. Even in an advertisement, we don’t think people would have much patience for this kind of things today.

Airflow Company 1980s

Airflow Company 1980s

Sears (1910s)

Did you know that about 100 years ago, you could actually buy a house at Sears? Back then, you could score yourself a 12-bedroom house for $6000. Even with inflation, that’s about $172,779 which is still a pretty amazing deal for a 12 bed room house. You’d be hard pressed to find a much smaller home in decent condition for that price.

Sears 1910s

Sears 1910s