After Waitress Slips Note To Man, His Wife Is Reduced To Tears

Published on November 11, 2021

The Newborn Life

The moment that they arrived at the restaurant, the newborn began to cry. Jackie immediately knew that her baby was hungry, and so she decided to start breastfeeding him at the table. Jackie didn’t care that people stared when she would breastfeed in public, but she noticed that the waitress looked at her in an odd way.

The Newborn Life

The Newborn Life

Breastfeeding in Public

Jackie was well aware of the fact that mothers constantly face judgment for every move they make in raising their children. People get upset when mothers breastfeed in public. Although often people don’t mean to be rude, the fact remains that their behavior make mothers uncomfortable. Jackie was already used to the stares.

Breastfeeding In Public

Breastfeeding In Public