All The Uses For WD-40 You Never Knew About

Published on July 31, 2019

Remove Tape Marks

Putting up posters that are not framed usually involves putting them up with some form of glue, usually tape. While this works like a charm, removing the poster means leaving behind tape marks. You can make your life easier by spraying WD-40 to help you with the tape gunk mess.

Remove Tape Marks

Remove Tape Marks

Maintain Swings & Playground Sets

Many people choose to build playground sets and swings in their backyard for their children to be able to safely play outdoors. It’s crucial to keep these clean, safe, and maintained. Using WD-40 can help get rid of annoying squeaky sounds that swings can sometimes produce.

Maintain Swings & Playground Sets

Maintain Swings & Playground Sets