All The Uses For WD-40 You Never Knew About

Published on July 31, 2019

Separating Scissors

One of the most frustrating things to encounter is a pair of scissors that seems to be glued together. Try as you might, you simply can’t separate them on your own. Next time, simply spray a bit of WD-40 and watch as the blades easily come apart.

Revamping Scissors

Separating Scissors

Protecting Bird Feeders

A bird feeder s a great addition to anyone’s backyard. However, some other non-bird critters may try to get in on the food as well! To prevent this, you can apply some WD-40 directly on to the edges of the bird feeder. This will make the bird feeder to slippery, and non-winged creatures won’t be able to hang on.

Protecting Bird Feeders

Protecting Bird Feeders