The Most Deadly Snakes in the World

Published on January 2, 2018

Caspian cobra

Ahh, yes, the Caspian cobra is also referred to as the Central Asian cobra, Oxus cobra or Russian cobra, and can be found in Central Asia. This species is generally aggressive and also bad-tempered while they will avoid humans as much as they possibly can, they will become fiercely aggressive when threatened or cornered. It is also the most venomous species of the cobra in the world, slightly ahead of the Philippine cobra, so just stay away. Far, far away.

Caspian Cobra

Caspian Cobra

Cape cobra

The Cape cobra is regarded as one of the most dangerous species of cobra found in all of Africa, because of its very, very potent venom and that it is typically found around/in houses. The mortality rate is incredibly high and it normally takes from an hour (in severe cases) to ten hours (or more) and often leads to respiratory failure, due to the onset of paralysis, but at least there is an antivenom.

Cape Cobra

Cape Cobra