The Most Deadly Snakes in the World

Published on January 2, 2018


Meet the Bothrops asper or the terciopelo, which is a rather venomous pit viper species that hails from southern Mexico to northern South America. Yay? It’s often referred to as the “ultimate pit viper”, (so not yay) these snakes are usually found in a wide range of lowland habitats, often near human habitations. Most believe that because of its proximity to human habitations, that’s probably why it is considered more dangerous to humans than others. Makes sense.



Gaboon viper

The Gaboon viper is found in the rainforests and savannas of sub-Saharan Africa. Of course like all vipers, it is venomous. Here’s the catch though, it is not only the largest member of the genus group, but is is also the world’s heaviest viperid. Did we mention it has the longest fangs? Up to 2 inches in length (5 cm). Oh yeah, it also has highest venom yield of any snake. This is one scary, uber dangerous snake in case you couldn’t tell.

Gaboon Viper

Gaboon Viper