The Most Deadly Snakes in the World

Published on January 2, 2018

Common death adder

This species of death adder is native to Australia, and it is one of the most venomous land snakes in Australia plus globally. The venom contains a highly toxic neurotoxin which causes paralysis or even death, not good. It can deliver the fastest strike among all other venomous snakes recorded in Australia, additionally human death can occur within six hours after bitten.

Common Death Adder

Common Death Adder

Green mambas

There are three kinds of green mambas in the world, as if one wasn’t enough. Green mambas (Western, Eastern, and Jameson’s) are all highly venomous snakes that are also highly aggressive and unpredictable in disposition, so not what you want in a snake. All three species are highly arboreal, alert, extremely quick, and agile. Their venom is much more rapid-acting and the dendrotoxins are more devastating to the central nervous system, causing more severe neurotoxicity quickly.

Green Mambas

Green Mambas