Confidence is a word that is fundamentally misunderstood. Most people assume that confidence comes from knowing all of the answers and having a solution to all of the problems, yet this isn’t true. Confidence is something that comes from inside of you and it is the belief that you will be able to weather any storm that you happen to sail through. Millionaires fundamentally have the confidence to work with quick loans and cash advances in tough times. They also have the confidence to avoid safe investments for the potential home-run, hitting money market accounts. Confidence is an attitude, but it is one that comes woefully close to arrogance, and arrogance is definitely not something you want on your side. If you aspire to be a millionaire then you need to learn to toe the line between confidence and arrogance and you need to do it in such a way that the people around you can believe and see the changes you are exhibiting.
Believe it or not, the idea of progress isn’t a linear notion. You can’t simply mark down all of your achievements on a sheet of paper in an effort to really chart where you have gone and how you are progressing. Rather, progress is an internalized feeling that takes physical shape thanks to the hard work you are willing to do. Progress isn’t just how much money you have in your internet banks or how much you can afford via an online loan, progress is where you are at emotionally and mentally as well as financially. Millionaires never lose sight of their overall goals and thus, they don’t look at short term markers as an emblem of their progress or lack thereof. The goal of being a millionaire is a lofty one and you can’t get stuck on the small victories because you’ll just end up being left in the dust of those that are racing for the big victories. So, if you want to be a millionaire, or at least think like one, always frame the idea of progress against your ultimate goals — not the small victories you’ll have along the way.