Useful And Practical Ways To Use Aluminum Foil To Make Your Life Easier

Published on July 14, 2020

Soft Curls Achieved

If you have straight hair and want a little bounce in your hair you don’t need to rush to a hairstylist to get a perm that can harm your hair. You could use a hot curler, but that will also damage your hair.

Soft Curls Achieved

Soft Curls Achieved

This also runs the risk of burning your scalp and hands. You can achieve perfect soft curls by simply using some foil. Place some foil on strands of hair and put the hot curler on the foil to prevent damage and burning.

Replacing A Lost Stylus

It is very easy to lose or misplace your phone’s stylus. When that happens, you don’t need to panic and rush out to get a pricey new one. You can actually make one yourself by using an ordinary pencil and some aluminum foil.

Replacing A Lost Stylus

Replacing A Lost Stylus

Just wrap some foil around the tip or back of a pencil or pen and there you have a cheap, homemade stylus. Because it’s so easy to make, you will never have to buy a new one ever again.