Useful And Practical Ways To Use Aluminum Foil To Make Your Life Easier

Published on July 14, 2020

Boosts WiFi Connection At Home

Sometimes, routers don’t distribute the WiFi signal to every part of the house and you find that you lose signal in certain rooms. This can be very frustrating because you don’t want to be sitting right next to the router to get WiFi.

Boosts WiFi Connection At Home

Boosts WiFi Connection At Home

All you need to do to boost your WiFi signal is to wrap a greeting card or thin cardboard with foil and place it between the aerials on your router. This will help strengthen the connection throughout the house.

Useful For Polishing Chrome

Chrome is said to be the best metal for decorative use in the home because it is corrosion resistant and has a beautiful shine. It is still a metal though, so it will lose its sheen with time and it could become rusty.

Useful For Polishing Chrome

Useful For Polishing Chrome

If that happens, scrubbing it with a ball of aluminum foil will remove the grime and rust and restore it to its original sheen. Another positive is that chrome is scratch-resistant so the foil won’t scratch your ornament.