Useful And Practical Ways To Use Aluminum Foil To Make Your Life Easier

Published on July 14, 2020

Mess-Free Oven

Even if you use the best trays and baking pans, there’s always some food that spills onto the oven floor. Those little bits that spilled end up burning and can give your baked goods a burnt taste.

Mess Free Oven

Mess Free Oven

All you need to do to prevent this is to line the bottom of your oven with a piece of foil. The foil will then catch whatever food bits spill and once you’re done it’s easy to remove and dispose of in the trash.

Protecting Your Pie Crusts

If you like baking, you probably enjoy making your own pie from scratch. The difficulty with baking your own homemade pie is that sometimes the crust burns before the filling cooks properly.

Protecting Your Pie Crusts

Protecting Your Pie Crusts

To get a perfect, golden-brown crust and a deliciously cooked filling all you need is some foil. Cut some foil strips and cover the uncooked crust before putting it in the oven. The foil will protect the crust from burning but it will help it cook evenly.