Useful And Practical Ways To Use Aluminum Foil To Make Your Life Easier

Published on July 14, 2020

Prevents Car Remote Jamming

Most people wouldn’t think to cover their car keys with foil. That’s because they don’t know how helpful it can be if their car keys have an electrical chip inside. Hijackers are always on the lookout for cars with those types of remote control keys.

Prevents Car Remote Jamming

Prevents Car Remote Jamming

This is because they can jam them and open the car to steal whatever’s inside. By wrapping your keys with foil, you prevent them from accessing your car key’s frequency and, in turn, prevent your vehicle from being stolen.

Helps Soften Hardened Brown Sugar

If you’re a baker, you’ve probably used brown sugar several times. However, brown sugar can harden very easily. If that’s happened to you, it doesn’t mean it’s unsalvageable. Just grab a large piece of foil, and first place it on the kitchen counter.

Helps Soften Hardened Brown Sugar

Helps Soften Hardened Brown Sugar

Then, place some of the hardened sugar on top. Close the foil and slowly use your fingers to break down the sugar and soften it up. Depending on how much you need you’ll have to do it in batches.