Useful And Practical Ways To Use Aluminum Foil To Make Your Life Easier

Published on July 14, 2020

Helps Keep The Heat In

So you’re having a party and you baked a fresh loaf of bread, but you want to serve it warm but the guests haven’t arrived yet. How do you keep it warm? If you leave it in the oven, you run the risk of overcooking the bread.

Helps Keep The Heat In

Helps Keep The Heat In

Then it will become dry and hard. Aluminum foil will do the trick because it’s a good heat conductor. Simply wrap the freshly-baked bread in foil and it’ll stay warm until it’s time to serve.

Artificial Light For Plants

Some plants need a lot of sunlight and some only need a little. But what happens if you don’t have much natural sunlight coming into your home? Your plant won’t last for long if it doesn’t get enough light.

Artificial Light For Plants

Artificial Light For Plants

But how can you create natural light? Get a box without a lid and cut off one side, and line the remaining sides with foil. Place your pot plant inside your homemade reflector and place the box where it can catch some sunlight.