Thinking About Renovating Your Home? You Might Want To Have A Look At These Renovation Fails First

Published on January 13, 2022

A Rollercoaster Drive

Here are some very, very high driveways. You’d think that there would have been a way not to build the garages so high up, especially given that the rest of the street and surrounding buildings seem to be at reasonable heights, but there must have been a reason that they ended up this way. It would definitely make for an exhilarating start to one’s drive, going down such a steep slope.

A Nice Way To Kickstart One's Drive

A Nice Way To Kickstart One’s Drive

Another View From An Ugly Neighborhood

Yet another lovely bricked-up window! It’s a bit difficult to imagine how awry planning needs to go during construction or renovation to accidentally brick over a window, but anything is possible. At least these bricks are a different color to the rest of the building, providing an interesting visual contrast to passers-by- anyone who was actually inside the room itself would definitely not have much of an interesting view…

A Room Without A View

A Room Without A View