Thinking About Renovating Your Home? You Might Want To Have A Look At These Renovation Fails First

Published on January 13, 2022

Perhaps The Most Cramped Toilet Ever

Here is a toilet that would require a great deal of flexibility and, probably, perseverance to use. This must be in a house or apartment that is really short on space, but there’s a limit to how much one can get out of a certain area without getting impractical. Maybe one can sit sideways on this toilet, but it frankly looks pretty difficult and uncomfortable to use. As long as it works, that’s the main thing.

A Not So Spacious Toilet

A Not So Spacious Toilet

While This Toilet Is Not Cramped Enough

On the other hand, here’s a toilet with basically the opposite problem. Anyone using the toilet above would probably have no issue whatsoever with reaching the toilet paper; the same cannot be said at all for the one below! It looks as if it would be just fair away to be out of reach for many people, which would be pretty frustrating for anybody using it. It would certainly encourage the owners of the house to stay flexible and stretch often!

Keep Reaching!

Keep Reaching!