Flight Attendants Have Finally Revealed Best Kept Secrets

Published on May 13, 2018

How Thoroughly Are Planes Cleaned?

Perhaps you don’t want to know the answer to this question. We’ve all seen the trash being removed, and sometimes we’ve even witnessed some vacuuming going on. But what about the seat? The armrests? The folding trays? While the FAA doesn’t actually regulate how and how often planes should be cleaned, airlines have made it their duty to make those decisions. Quick flight turnover might not mean thorough cleaning methods.

How Thoroughly Are Planes Cleaned@

How Thoroughly Are Planes Cleaned?

What Does The Crew Eat?

One rule is of utmost importance when it comes to food on the flights. The pilot and co-pilot are forbidden from eating the same dishes. Why? Well, imagine the food was rotten and they both suffered from food poisoning? Would you fly the plane? I thought not. Many times pilots and crew will bring their own food, they know why.

What Does The Crew Eat@

What Does The Crew Eat?