Flight Attendants Have Finally Revealed Best Kept Secrets

Published on May 13, 2018

Leftover Food

Have you ever wondered what happens to the food left over after the flight? Most often it is actually just thrown out because it could have been prepared anywhere between 12 and 72 hours before the flight. In fact, international standards allow the food to be chilled for as many as five days.

Leftover Food

Leftover Food

Proper Plane Etiquette

Regardless of the fact that the flight attendants are there for your service, you best treat them with respect. These attendants are actually trained in a lot more than just first aid. Additionally some of them are trained in martial arts, with the purpose of tackling misbehaving passengers who are endangering the flight. And aside from that, in the case of an actual emergency they’re trained to evacuate an entire plane while remaining calm and in control.

Proper Plane Etiquette

Proper Plane Etiquette