Flight Attendants Have Finally Revealed Best Kept Secrets

Published on May 13, 2018

Pet Travel

There are so many considerations to be made before coming to a decision about flying with your pets. But the truth is that airline staff do all they can to make the pets and the owners feel at ease. So while there some things that can’t be avoided, like loud noises, there are many other factors that the crew take into consideration when you bring your loved ones on board.

Pet Travel

Pet Travel

Expensive Tickets

How is it that airline tickets cost so much? There are baggage fees, flight fees, airport fees and just about every other kind of fee-fi-fo-fum fees! However, most people don’t realize what it demands for an airline to make a profit from a flight. They need to have a flight that is booked to 85% capacity in order to benefit, and that’s why they’ll even overbook flights sometimes because they know some people will cancel.

Expensive Tickets

Expensive Tickets